I’m Zoe Wolfe, a current Game Design and Development Student at Drexel University! I will be graduating in the year 2020 and I have a minor in animation and in computer science.
I have always had a deep passion for video games throughout my life. I believe in the storytelling ability and emotional impact of the medium and think that there is so much more we can be doing to push the boundaries of narrative games. I want games to be considered as much of an art form as literature, films, and even fine art. I believe that we can use video games to allow people to experience things that were previously unexceperiencable such as mental illness, and even socioeconomic differences.
I am looking to work with other forward thinking individuals and would be more than happy to talk to anyone about possible job opportunities or even just about my work in general! On this site you will find my resume and a contact form and I encourage you to look at them!
Zoe Wolfe 🙂